13/11/2022 – Lesson Eleven: Obey a Powerful God

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Daniel 3 Tanggal: 13/11/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow before the king’s image because they trust their powerful God to deliver them Lesson Aim: To know that God is powerful enough to take care of us when we face difficulty, and to obey Him Point pengajaran: – Kita …

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16/10/2022 – Trust God and say what is right

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 1 Kings 18 Tanggal: 16/10/2022 Ringkasan: Israelite and under Queen Jezebel and King Ahab leadership has worship Baal. And because of that God punished them by Giving them 3 years of draught and no rain falls on Israel’s land. The prophets of God’s has been chased away or killed by the Queen and …

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Everyone Is Going Somewhere!

Doctrine for Life

However hand participate close by, the underhanded will not be unpunished: yet the seed of the exemplary will be conveyed.

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God Honors Those Who Honor Him

Church Life

Whatever occurs, the Lord has utilized this whole procedure to cultivate further solidarity, love, support, and duty as an assemblage.

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Hope For Those Who Are Losing Heart

Doctrine for Life

However hand participate close by, the underhanded will not be unpunished: yet the seed of the exemplary will be conveyed.

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I Caught A Thought | Pastor Steven Furtick

Doctrine for Life

Whatever occurs, the Lord has utilized this whole procedure to cultivate further solidarity, love, support, and duty as an assemblage.

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Though Hand Join In Hand

Featured, The Fellowship

No matter how tight the cooperation may be, no matter how smart they are.

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A Religion Of Convenience

Doctrine for Life

The common people helped but not the Nobles. Maybe it wasn’t convenient for them; maybe they didn’t want to dirty their hands; maybe they had what they thought were more important things to do.

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02/10/2022 – Lesson Five: Obey God Always

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 2 Chronicles 22:10-24:25 Tanggal: 02/10/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: Joash obeyed God for a while, then turned away from God Lesson Aim: To choose to obey God every day, trusting in His love and goodness Ringkasan cerita: – Raja-raja Yehuda setelah Yosafat mulai berbalik dari jalan Tuhan, menjadi raja-raja yang jahat. – Keturunan Daud …

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18/09/2022 – God Forgives His Children

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 2 Samuel 11-12 Tanggal: 18/09/2022 Ringkasan: We have been blessed with eyes to see the world, but sometimes we may fall into sin due to our own eyes. David relation to God is very close but at the height of David’s success as a righteous and godly king, he stumbled into sin. From …

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