13/12/2020 – The Coming of Jesus

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 13/12/2020 Activity: 1. Print out the picture provided below 2. Color in the lines 3. Write down the verse 1 John 4:14b Bahan Tambahan: Mary-and-the-Angel-Coloring-Page.jpg Guru: Novi

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06/12/2020 – Getting Ready for the Son of God

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 06/12/2020 Activity: 1. Print out picture provided below 2. Color in the lines 3. Write down the verse 1 John 4:14b at the top of the picture Bahan Tambahan: john-e-baptist.gif Guru: Novi

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29/11/2020 – Obey a faithful God

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Ezra 1, 3 Tanggal: 29/11/2020 Ringkasan: Ezra 1,3 Obey a faithful God. King of Persia who called Cyrus has been moved by God in his heart. He has the idea to let the Jewish people who has been kept in Babylon for many years return back to their homeland called Jerusalem and not …

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29/11/2020 – God’s Promises Give Hope

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 29/11/2020 Activity: Terlampir dalam file PDF dibawah ini. Bahan Tambahan: God-Promises-Give-Hope.pdf Guru: Leonita

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29/11/2020 – Depending on Jesus

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 19:1-8; 20:1-17 ; Romans 8:3-4; Hebrews 10;16; Colossians 3:17; Philippians 1:6 Tanggal: 29/11/2020 Ringkasan: This week children learned that the Law that God has gave to us is good and it shows that the giver of the Law Himself is good. Disobeying the commandment given by God means that we have done …

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29/11/2020 – God’s Promises Give Hope

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Isaiah 40:25-31 ; Romans 5:6-8 Tanggal: 29/11/2020 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: – God promised Jesus. – Jesus came as God promised. Lesson Aim: To know that – Jesus is The Son of God, Jesus obeyed God, His Father all the time. – We are all sinners, Jesus never sinned. – Jesus loves us. – …

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29/11/2020 – God Keeps His Word

Kelas Nursery (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Deuteronomy 31-34 Tanggal: 29/11/2020 Ringkasan: Inti cerita hari ini adalah: Tuhan setia menepati janji2Nya untuk membawa bangsa Israel ke promise land. Bertahun2 kemudian Tuhan juga menepati janjiNya untuk memberikan juruselamat kepada manusia melalui kelahiran Yesus Kristus yang mati dan bangkit menebus dosa manusia. Tuhan memimpin bangsa Israel keluar dari perbudakan Mesir menuju ke …

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29/11/2020 – God Keeps His Promises

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 29/11/2020 Activity: Aktiviti SM Nursey 29 Nov 2020 Cutting & Coloring Bahan Tambahan: SM-Nursery-29-Nov-2020-Activity-.pdfSM-Nursery-29-Nov-2020-Contoh-Activity-.jpeg Guru: Victor

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29/11/2020 – God keeps His Word

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Deuteronomy 31-34, Isaiah 6:6-7, 1 Corinthians 15:4 Tanggal: 29/11/2020 Ringkasan: Moses already 120 years old. Moses has 2 important task: – Lead the Israellites from Egypt to the promise land – Write the law, that is the first 5 books of the Bible Moses told the Israellites that he is old, no longer …

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22/11/2020 – Daniel 5 : 1 – 31

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: The Writing on the Wall Tanggal: 22/11/2020 Ringkasan: Bagian Alkitab ini menceritakan Mengenai Raja Belsyasar (anak Nebukadnezar) yang mengadakan perjamuan. mengeluarkan semua perkakas bait Allah dan di gunakan. kemudian di tengah2 pesta, mereka melihat tangan yang menulis di dinding dan tidak ada yang bisa membacanya. kemudian Permaisuri dari raja teringat akan Daniel. Daniel …

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