01/11/2020 – Life in God’s Home

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: I Timothy Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Ringkasan: See attached file Ayat Hafalan: I Tim 4:7b Train yourself to be godly. Bahan Tambahan: Life-in-Gods-Home.pdf Guru:Kin

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01/11/2020 – God Chose Jacob

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 25:19-34 Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: – God gave Isaac two sons, Esau and Jacob. – Esau did not care about God’s promises. – Jacob did not please God either. – God chose Jacob to continue the line of promises. Lesson Aim: – To learn that God always keeps His promises. Ayat …

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Warta Ibadah Minggu 1 November 2020

Warta Ibadah


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01/11/2020 – God Chose Jacob

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Activity: Bahan/alat yang diperlukan: 1. Printer 2. Gunting 3. Lem Persiapan oleh Orang Tua : 1. Print dan gunting gambar-gambar yang sudah disediakan. Aktivitas anak (dibantu orang tua) : 1. Tempelkan gambar Jacob di sisi kiri dari tempat yang sudah disediakan 2. Tempelkan gambar Esau di sisi kanan dari tempat yang sudah disediakan …

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01/11/2020 – Trusting God’s Provision

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 20:15 Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Ringkasan: Everything in this world belongs to God and He gives it to us according to His will. Children learn that stealing is not only limited to physical things but we can also steal time, grades, scores and glory. It’s also counted as stealing when we cause others to …

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01/11/2020 – God Keeps His People Safe

Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 17:8-16 Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Ringkasan: God will watch over us. God hears our prayers, He protects and watches over us, in our difficult times, if we sincerely ask for His help. Israel won the battle as God was with them. Same goes to us, in life, when we do well in something or …

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01/11/2020 – God keep His people safe

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Activity: Dear Children, This week activity is a colouring. Please share with teacher in WhatsApp group after you have completed. Thank you! Best regards, Teacher Harlina Bahan Tambahan: God-Keep-His-people-safe.pdfSample.pdf Guru: Harlina

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01/11/2020 – God Keeps His People Safe

Activity - SM Pagi Kelas Kecil

Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Activity: Moses took Aaron and Hur to the top of the hill while the fighting ensued. As long as Moses held the staff of God in his upheld hands, God’s people drove back the Amalekites. But when Moses lowered his tired hands, the enemy started gaining ground. Finally, Aaron and Hur held Moses’ …

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01/11/2020 – God Keeps His People safe

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Kindy

Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Activity: Coloring activity and memory verse Bahan Tambahan: God-keeps-His-people-safe.pdf Guru: Mei

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01/11/2020 – God Keeps His People Safe

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 17:8-16 Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Ringkasan: • A group of desert nomads, known as the Amalekites, came up behind the travelling Israelites and started attacking the weak and elderly people travelling at the back of the convoy. • Moses told a young, tough leader called Joshua to choose some strong fighting men to go …

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