22/05/2022 – Paul Followed God’s Leading

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Act 15 : 40 – 16 : 40 Tanggal: 22/05/2022 Ringkasan: ini ringkasan dari Sunday School minggu lalu Cerita minggu lalu adalah memyambung perjalanan Paulus setelah dari Siprus dan Ikonium Paulus pergi ke beberapa kota spt Derbe, Listra. Paulus berencana untuk mengabarkan Injil ke Britinia tetapi Roh Kudus mencegahnya. dan kemudian Paulus mendapat …

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08/05/2022 – God Chose Saul

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 9:1-31 Tanggal: 08/05/2022 Ringkasan: Point pengajaran: Since the old time, human has always tried to search and imagine God, they created statues to pray to idols. God chosen people are small in numbers and they have been waiting for The Messiah. After Jesus went up to heaven, disciples and early Christian called …

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01/05/2022 – Lesson Eight: Philip Spreads the Good News

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 8 Tanggal: 01/05/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: The Holy Spirit sent Philip first to the Samaritans, then to an Ethiopian and others with the message of the gospel Lesson Aim: – To know that the Holy Spirit brings people from all nations together in God’s covenant family – To ask the Holy Spirit …

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24/04/2022 – Jesus Ascension

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 1:1-17 Tanggal: 24/04/2022 Ringkasan: Last week we learned that Jesus rose from the dead and revealed Himself to his followers as their risen Lord. Before His ascension, Jesus told his followers “All authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to Me” Matthew 28 verse 18. God has raised Jesus from …

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10/04/2022 – Lord’s supper

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 22 / Lukas 22 Tanggal: 10/04/2022 Ringkasan: Menjelang penyaliban Yesus. Yesus mengadakan makan malam terakhir dengan murid-murid-Nya. Yesus memecahkan roti sebagai lambang dari tubuh-Nya. dan murid-murid Yesus masih tidak mengerti apa yang di maksudkan Yesus bahwa dia akan disalibkan dan akan bangkit hari ketiga. Murid-murid Yesus masih berpikir kalau Yesus akan menjadi …

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27/03/2022 – God’s Word Lasts Forever

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 1 Peter 1:23-25 James 1:19-25 Tanggal: 27/03/2022 Ringkasan: Point pengajaran: berita keselamatan yang kita terima, dikabarkan oleh org2 yg menerima berkat Tuhan dan mengerti akan perintah Tuhan dan arti keselematan Yg tuhan Yesus kerjakan di dunia. Alkitab ditulis dan diterjemahkan ke lebih dari 7000 bahasa dan masih terus bertambah. We all need the …

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03/04/2022 – Triumpant Entry

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 19:28-48 Tanggal: 03/04/2022 Ringkasan: Tema besar: Bulan ini kita akan membahas tema seputar Jumat Agung dan Paskah. Bagaimana orang-orang yang mengikut Yesus, termasuk murid-murid, diubahkan pandangan mereka yang salah tentang Yesus. Point pengajaran: – Setelah Tuhan Yesus mengadakan banyak tanda dan mukjizat, banyak orang mengikuti Yesus, tapi dengan agenda masing-masing. – Banyak …

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13/03/2022 – We Learn and follow God’s Word

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 2 Tim 3:14 – 17 Tanggal: 13/03/2022 Ringkasan: Dear parents, ini ringkasan bahan sekolah minggu 13 Maret 2022. Lesson 11: We Learn and follow God’s Word Scripture: 2 Tim 3:14 – 17 Bible Truth: God uses His Word to supply his people with what they need to trust and serve him Lesson Aim: …

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06/03/2022 – Lesson Ten: We listen to God’s Word

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 8:4-8, 26-40 Tanggal: 06/03/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: When people heard Philip preach God’s Word, God changed their lives and filled them with joy Lesson Aim: To listen to God as he speaks to us through His Word, and to ask God for hearts that trust Him and want to tell other about …

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27/02/2022 – Jesus Made God’s Word Clear

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 4:23, Luke 24 : 13 – 32, Mark 16:15 Tanggal: 27/02/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: Jesus preached and taught God’s Word, and he comannds his church to continue this task Lesson Aim Children to listen attentively to those in the church who preach and teach God’s Word and to remember to pray for …

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