13/09/2020 – Worshipping God Alone

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 14, 19, 20:1-3 Tanggal: 13/09/2020 Ringkasan: The Israelites had seen God keep His word and use His power to deliver them. He had brought them out of slavery in Egypt, led them to Mount Sinai and, through Moses, was giving them His holy commandments that reflects His characters, teaching them how to …

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13/09/2020 – God Calls Moses

Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 3:1-15, 4:1-17 Tanggal: 13/09/2020 Ringkasan: Continuing from last week story about how God took care of Moses when he was born, this week we want to look at how Moses was called by God to save Israelites from Pharaoh cruelty. The story starts with Moses, as an adult, saw how the Egypt …

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13/09/2020 – God Calls Moses

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 3:1-15, 4:1-17 Tanggal: 13/09/2020 Ringkasan: – Allah menjaga Musa dan Musa bertumbuh besar menjadi putra Raja Firaun. – Pada suatu hari Musa melihat seorang Ibrani yang dipukul oleh seorang Mesir. Musa menjadi marah dan membunuh orang Mesir itu. – Keesokan harinya, Musa melihat ada 2 orang Ibrani yang berkelahi dan Musa berusaha …

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13/09/2020 – Kahoot

Activity – SM Pagi Kelas Besar

Tanggal: 13/09/2020 Activity: See Kahoot link at https://ringkotsm.glitch.me/ Guru: Yuku

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13/09/2020 – Worshipping God Alone

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 14, 15, 20:3 Tanggal: 13/09/2020 Ringkasan: The Israelites had seen God keep his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and how he used his mighty power to deliver them out of Egypt. God fought against the Egyptians and showed to both the Israelites and the Egyptians that he alone is God. After …

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13/09/2020 – God Created Adam And Eve

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 13/09/2020 Activity: Terlampir dalam file PDF Bahan Tambahan: 13092020-Activity-God-Created-Adam-Eve.pdf Guru: Leonita

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13/09/2020 – God Created Adam and Eve

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 1:26-31, 2:7-25 Tanggal: 13/09/2020 Ringkasan: Lesson aim: • To know that we are created differently from animals and other creations • God loves all of His creation • God wants us to take care of His creations Bible truth: • God created man and woman from dirt and breathed life into them …

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13/09/2020 – God Protects His Children

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 1 Samuel 26 Tanggal: 13/09/2020 Ringkasan: – Sejak Daud mengalahkan Goliat, banyak orang memuji Daud. Dan hal ini membuat raja Saul iri dan berusaha untuk membunuh Daud. Tetapi semua rencana Saul untuk menyingkirkan Daud gagal. Malah Daud semakin terkenal. Karena gagal terus, kemarahan Saul memuncak dan dia melemparkan tombaknya kepada Daud. Daud terusir …

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