English Speaker:
Sunday School classes are held for children aged 2-12 years concurrently with Sunday Service.
English Speaker:
Worship together with a pulpit that faithfully preaches God’s Word through expository preaching.
English Speaker:
Bible study class for children aged 3-12 years divided into 3 class groups.
English Speaker:
Bible Study for Secondary School age teenagers to investigate the truth of God’s Word and discuss in a group led by the mentors.
English Speaker:
Delve into the abundance and beauty of God’s Word in Bible Study every Friday.
English Service 1: Minggu 9.30am
Kebaktian Umum 1: Minggu 10am
Chinese Service 1: Minggu 2pm
English Service 2: Minggu 2.30pm
Kebaktian Umum 2: Minggu 5pm
Persekutuan Doa: Rabu 7.30pm
Kelas Kamis: Kamis 10am
PA Umum: Jumat 7.30pm
PA Anak: Jumat 7.30pm
PA Remaja: Sabtu 2pm
PA Pemuda: Sabtu 4.30pm
PA Doulos: Minggu 3pm